Sunday, August 30, 2009

Carpet & Stairs

Some of you have been out in your gardens and elsewhere capturing the changes Mother Nature is bringing as we approach the turn of the season.

So I thought I would share with you some of the changes I have observed in my much loved ravine. I go for walks there just about every weekend morning and often bring my camera or binoculars (or both!).

You saw the woodpeckers I observed in the back lane as I headed out last weekend. (I have to go out the back because I must go through my garden first - you understand!) Well, once I leave the back lane it is only a few minutes until I am down into the ravine. This area of the wooded ravine is a natural preserve here in Edmonton. That means there is interpretive signage, occasionally university students doing research (with areas marked with signs on trees and fenced off with temporary fencing), no bicycles and lovely, well-kept trails. I can't help but be happy when I go on this walk. I will often find myself humming or singing a little bit. (No, I don't wear an iPod as I don't want to miss any of the sounds of nature around me.) It's a great way to start my day.

Here are some images of the floor of the ravine at this time of year. In some areas the forest floor just glows in the morning light with a lacy green dappled light. I wish I could capture the beautiful light in there in the mornings, but maybe you will get a sense of it.

(click to enlarge)

Mother Nature has a rather good sense of colour and form, don't you think?


sweetbay said...

I know what you mean about the dappled light in the woods. It's magical isn't it? I think you did a wonderful job of capturing it in your photos. How nice that you have some place like this so close to home!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Lovely collection of photos! Aren't the seeds of the Jack in the Pulpit the most beautiful red?

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

Thank you for the comments. I do find it very difficult to capture something as ephemeral as dappled morning light.
I do love seeing all the berries and I hope to find out more about which ones are edible and which are definitely not.
For now I am just content to admire them from afar in my wanderings.