Friday, August 1, 2014

The Sweet In Betwwen

After a July of storms and heat waves, this first evening of the August long weekend has come in soft with an apricot sky. We've been sitting outside for hours, appreciating our long days of northern light.

Of course I had to get up take tie rotate pots.... But finally, glass of wine in hand, I have settled to pretend this is going to last forever. 

Happy, sweet, blissful summer to you all. 


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Ms. S girl!
Glad to see a post from you and what a nice combo of garden pictures : )
You will have lots of evenings with a glass of wine still .. no panic.
Just enjoy !
Joy : )

Anna said...

Oh what images of tranquility. Glad to read that you have made time to sit still and gaze and wonder.
Wouldn't it to be great to be able to press a pause button?

Casa Mariposa said...

Beautiful pics! They'll help remind you that winter does eventually end, even in your part of the world. Nights like those are too wonderful to spend inside.

Marguerite said...

Despite having grown up in northern BC I often forget how long the days are there in summer. What bliss to sit outside in the dying light late into the night. Lovely photos, hope you had a wonderful summer.

Jen said...

Beautiful pictures! I'd love to see more of your garden and what you grow...particularly since a) I'm a total newb at growing things (although I'm brilliant at killing them), and b) I'm just outside Tofield so same zone and I'd love some tips on what grows well here.